Monday, May 14, 2007

First day of the new J-O-B

OK I knew I was out of shape, but DAMN. I am completely wiped out. Which is disgusting because the work isn't all that hard. Five years ago, it would have been a snap. But that's ok because I have the next few days to recover. I just hope I don't injure my back doing something stupid. I'll have to be careful.

But the work is fun and different. I'm setting up for used car tent sales. I've decided that I hate the light towers. It's very frustrating having to pound on them with a hammer and mallet just to adjust the lights and get the pins out to raise the towers. They will be my nemesis. My favorite part is everything else. Except for running power. The extension cords are heavy too.

I have GOT to tell you about the bathroom in the restaurant across the highway from the sale. The restaurant belongs to a hotel and it's ok as far as restaurants go when you walk in. But when I walked into the bathroom I felt like I'd walked into something from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Well, maybe not quite that bad. First, it was dirty. There was dried poop in the toilet bowl. The walls had more grime on them than the engine in my truck. They were rotting out near the floor. And the FAN!! OMG It sounded like it was about to blow up. It would get almost up to speed and there must have been worn bearings because you could hear the fan blades hit the edges of the housing. Like an unbalanced clothes washer. BAM BAM-BAM BAM. Then the thing would almost stop and start the cycle all over again since it was still getting juice. If the place burns down, I'll know why. Then, there was no hot water in the sink. Not uncommon in some bathrooms but added to the rest of the mess, it just fit right in.

A nap is definitely sounding like a good idea right about now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Smoky Florida

A lot has happened since my last post. I ended up giving the rest of my stuff away that was left over from the yard sale. That was pretty hard watching people just load it up and drive off. I sold the rest of my furniture to a good friend of mine from DelState so that at least cheered my heart knowing that some of my best stuff went to someone I knew.

I sat around the house for a few more days waiting until I could leave. David and I had a rally to go to down at the fairgrounds so I was just hanging around until then. Tammie is still looking for a place. I know she's getting worried. I wish she would just go back to Mississippi and help mom.

I bought my tow bar and a tire pressure monitoring kit while I was at the rally. But I wasn't able to get the kit installed as the RV needs to go up onto a lift to get it done. The Delaware Travelers were also at the rally so I got caught up with Gary and Jeanette, Aggie and Roger, and Brian and Marie. It was good to see all of them again.

Sunday after the rally, David and I drove his truck to the airport to leave it. Then it was back to Harrington to dump the tanks and head on down the road. We spent the night at a Flying J and that wasn't too bad. We made it to Williston around 7 pm. It was really smoky around Lake City from the fires in Georgia. The campground where I'm staying is just lovely. We took some time to drive down to Cedar Key to have lunch and that was really nice. I took David to the airport in Orlando this morning so he could fly back home.

Then it was up to Gainesville to get my glasses fixed as the lens fell out. I also need to see if I can find an RV service shop who can put on my tire pressure kit on short notice. I'm not holding my breath.

So that's about it for now. I start work on Monday and I plan on moving the motor home over to the new location early that morning so I can find a good place to park. The lot where they are having the sale is triangular shaped and not very big. I'm interested to see how this is going to pan out once they get everything in place.